Becoming Yourself In Your Business

A film about what it means to run our businesses and marketing as actual human beings

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Recent Writing

21 Days of Letters

I got a message from a friend the other day that began, “Sorry for the delay… I’m basically shit at keeping in touch these days.” 2021 was a hard year for me. I’m only beginning to process it. Give me another couple of years and I’ll have made sense of it. But for now, one… Read more

Story Season Part 3: Birth Day

The day before my daughter’s first birthday I remember running through the play-by-play in my head. “This time last year we were heading to the hospital… it was around this time when shift changed happened and we got the new midwife… I was starting to get a bad feeling at this point…” She was born… Read more

Megan Macedo HeadshotAbout Megan

The most important work we can do is show up in the world as our real selves. I write and consult about authenticity in marketing, helping individuals and companies be themselves in every aspect of their work.

What Megan is really doing is acting as a catalyst to draw your experiences out, and to put that on paper... which is a very difficult thing for a business owner to do. We've thoroughly enjoyed the whole process, it's been very commercially productive for us and we look forward to carrying on working with Megan and her team.

John Dyer-Grimes Dyer-Grimes Architects London, UK